Well it's early Monday morning, the close of a four-day weekend created by furloughing last Friday and today. It used to be that such a break would mean a trip somewhere, Disneyland or camping, or even just a drive to the ocean or the foothills.
Something to get out of town. Of course, I still have Forever Plaid going on, and with 7-8 shows per week it's hard to get away.
And of course I need to keep as much revenue coming in as I can right now, since Forever Plaid is closing in three weeks! I'm going to miss that show, and certainly its income, though it will be nice to have some more evenings free.
Well, I'm sure they'll be filled up with school work since I'm currently slated to take two grad classes in the fall. So they won't be free per se, but at least they'll be spent at home.
But for today, in what will possibly be the last 'big' hoorah before the official end of summer is marked by the official start of the school year, we're going to sit at home with the shades pulled down and have a movie marathon of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. So if I can't travel anywhere physically, I'll take a mental diversion to Middle Earth.