Welcome to Glenn's Blog!

Here I will periodically post random thoughts and stories about what's going on in my life and the world around me. As if anyone cared. But seriously, you've found your way here, so hopefully you will enjoy at least some of what I have to say, even if you aren't entirely interested in it. At the least, it should be a good way to waste time.

Friday, December 31, 2021

Book Report

Well here it is, my last post of 2021. I'd like to say that 2021 was a banner year for blogging. It was not. I had more than twice as many posts in 2020. Still, some stories were shared, laughs were had, grumblings were aired, as I plodded away through the year. And it was a banner year in at least one aspect - as I finally got into my new place and said goodbye to apartment living. Forever.

Today, the world said goodbye forever to Betty White. Just shy of 100, the TV and film icon seemed like she would outlast everyone. But in the end, even she has to make that great journey into the unknown beyond. Seems like this should be an even bigger story than the New Year that's currently occupying most network television airwaves.

But now that I've moved on (literally and figuratively) and started over on my new life, my new journey into my own great unknown, here we are saying goodbye to yet another year that was marred by a worldwide pandemic that some deny exists and most are at least tired of acknowledging exists. Good bye, 2021, good bye. 

So what have I done to ring in the New Year? Well first off, it's not quite 10pm here so we still have a little over two hours to go. Did I watch the ball drop in New York? Nope. Have I or will I give a toast to the New Year? Nope. Well, technically, I did this with my parents and some Barefoot Chardonnay earlier this afternoon. I mean, it was already January 1 somewhere in the world at that point, so it counts, right? Well, before I digress too far, I'll sum up by reiterating what I know I've stated in years past on here. 

It's just another day.

Really, I don't celebrate New Year's Eve. Making resolutions? Nope. I mean if you can't inspire yourself to improve upon whatever it is that torments your soul the rest of the year, no sudden proclamation on this night will do much good to you in the coming days, or weeks, or months. I suppose I shouldn't be so pessimistic, I mean hey, whatever works for you is good I suppose. And truth be told, I have in the past done some celebrating of the New Year (who can forget all those celebrations at Disneyland near and at the turn of the century?). And I've certainly flirted with ideas of things I'd like to at least try and accomplish as another year unfolds. 

And I suppose it should at least, now, be a time for positivity, as we reflect on the past and look to the future.

So in a positive light, and before I get to my book report, I'll mention that I had a banner year in step counts, i.e. walking. Yes, I walked. I walked a lot. 2021 is basically done for that, since I will walk very little over the next two hours. My average daily step count for this year was 13,496, up from 12,537 in 2020. So there, something to cheer about. I'll toast to that! Er...maybe tomorrow. 

And in line with something I started last year (or was it the year before?) - I'd like to report on the books I read. Again, I'm not what you might call a "prolific" or even "avid" reader - I know quite a few people that put me to shame in that regard. But still, I read more than a lot of people seem to these days, and this year I did crank out 9 books in my not-so-copious free time in-between work, raising a kid, all that walking I did, and playing Minecraft. I mean seriously, where was the time to read anything??

But here are the books I read this year, in order (and it bears mentioning that I didn't even finish the first one until May. So, really, I did 8 books in the last 7 months). But here they are: 

Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins
Normal People - Sally Rooney
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Anthem - Ayn Rand
Deadeye Dick - Kurt Vonnegut
Galapagos - Kurt Vonnegut
Mother Night - Kurt Vonnegut
Farenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

And no, I won't actually bore you to tears with a lengthy analytical book report on these. I mean, if you're that interested, go read them yourself. Except maybe Farenheit 451. I actually never read it before, and frankly I don't enjoy his style of writing, with the ridiculously obtuse metaphors and even more ridiculous dialogue. Plus, I'm sure most people were subjected to this in high school, or perhaps college. I somehow avoided it till now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sorry I read it. But I'm glad it was borrowed from the library and not something I bought. I have a few other Bradbury's on my shelf; someday I'll have to read them and see how they stack up.

In any case, I'm not going to go on and on here. I have to go check in on Connor and make sure he's tucked in for the night anyway. Then I'll spend some quality "me" time - perhaps reading something new to start the New Year off right - before drifting off to sleep for the first of many New Year's in my brand new condo. Positivity!

I hope I don't get woken up at midnight by idiots doing fireworks...

Friday, December 24, 2021

Finally at Home

Here we are, on Christmas Eve, just me and the cat. Because...that's how we roll. Finally...FINALLY...at home. It was only an 8 month delay after all, but at the end of November I finally got the keys to the new place. I started moving in smaller items, slowly but surely, as December got underway. And about two weeks ago the rest of my stuff got moved in on one brisk Saturday morning. So now, two weeks later, and a lot of unpacking and settling is done...but still a bit more to go. It's a process. But it's nice to finally be somewhere that feels like home. And just in time for Christmas! 

Connor spent Christmas Eve day here, and the rest of the family came over. Cookies were made, pizza was eaten, mimosas and wine were drunk - and Connor even got to open some presents. It was a nice day all around.

And later, after the family had left and the child was nestled all snug in his bed - well he was gone and back with his mom anyway - I went for a walk down to Rockmont Circle. The Fab 40's of Natomas. This was actually my third trip there this year. As I said in a prior year, it's actually better than the Fab 40's, in my opinion. No one selling popcorn or hot cocoa or anything this year, but the displays of lights were still top notch. And even better for me: now I live less than a half mile away. So, why not go back for more holiday cheer? And it's a nice walk, anyway.

And now it's just shy of two hours before Christmas morning. There's always so much buildup to the season and then before you know it, the day is here and then in a flash it will be gone again. And then all the lights and tinsel will come down, the decorations will be put away for another year, and life will go on once more. And hey, in another week we'll be closing out the year and looking forward to 2022. 

And in the meantime, I'll continue settling into my new home and new life here. Finally.