So, I'm sitting up late on a Tuesday evening, relishing in the fact that I'm not currently melting into the sheets of my bed. It's been hot, ladies and gentlemen. Damn hot. We hit 109 last week! Today was an aberration in the trend, as it *only* got to 88 today. Last week there were several days in a row well over 100, and it appears next week we'll return to that again.
It's a great time of year for ice cream, which of course I procured on my regular mecca to San Francisco last week. Where, in fact, it was only 74 degrees. And breezy to boot. And yes, I know this ice cream cone looks small. My hands are big...that must be it. It was from that little classic VW bus that hangs out around the Marina District, selling their home-churned flavors. They called this a "double smidge"! There's actually two sizes smaller below this...but it's okay. Being this small, I felt justified in getting a Ben & Jerry's milkshake later on. After a 12 mile walk which included a round-trip trek across the Golden Gate Bridge.It was almost too cold for ice cream in San Francisco. Can y9u believe it? Almost too cold. It's hard to imagine as we sit here sweltering in the Sacramento heat.
When did it get so hot in the central valley of California?? I don't remember this as a child. It never seemed that hot. So either I was cheerfully delusional in my youth, or we've become a poster child of sorts for global warming. It seemed easy to demonstrate global warming just by looking at the receding ice and glaciers in places like Alaska, which I've seen firsthand. But this is a little too close to home. And yet no one seems to really catch onto this, how it's just warmer and drier and the winters are shorter and on and on. At least they don't seem to notice. Maybe they're afraid to notice.
And of course, the planet ebbs and flows naturally over the millennia, despite our interference, as it has for millions of years. Ice ages come and go. I remember in school years ago learning about how we're basically at the hind end of the last ice age, in the grand scope of things. Or at least we were. Not sure if we've passed over the threshold where we're no longer waning, but rather waxing into something else. Oh, if only I could be immortal, to exist long enough to see the return of the next ice age. Though such extremes should not be needed just to get a reprieve from the Sacramento summer weather.
Well, there's always San Francisco. It's just too hot here.
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