Welcome to Glenn's Blog!

Here I will periodically post random thoughts and stories about what's going on in my life and the world around me. As if anyone cared. But seriously, you've found your way here, so hopefully you will enjoy at least some of what I have to say, even if you aren't entirely interested in it. At the least, it should be a good way to waste time.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Here's a picture of a silhouette of trees. Because, why not? Honestly, I wasn't even going to post a picture on this one. Nothing I've seen lately has seemed worthy of a photograph. No moment worthy of being frozen in time, immortalized in digital format. Everything has been kind of...blah.

Thank goodness iPhones have such poor color matching; the dull blue and faint haze of smoke in the distance turned into a really orange to lavender transition here. So it goes.

Anyways, I went for a walk, as I so often do, mostly to decompress tonight after two full days of school back in session. Not that it was that trying, really, but it's certainly a change from the past year and a half. And it was a nice cool evening, the first in a long time where temperatures dipped below 80 at sunset. Thank goodness again. 

It hasn't been difficult to tell that the world is not quite back to normal. An don't because everyone everywhere on campus is wearing masks, and everywhere you turn there's another hand sanitizer dispenser staring you down. The traffic has been noticeable lighter than it was. Before Covid. Parking has been much easier on campus than it was. Before Covid. Less eateries are open on campus than there were. Before Covid.  Seems like a pattern, doesn't it? This marker will be a benchmark for the state of society for awhile. 

So, yeah, the first two days of school were mild by comparison to what I've been accustomed to as being "the norm" in previous years. We're there, onsite, as we have been for years. But it's not quite the same. And maybe it's just me, but the students seem to have gotten even younger. Or else I'm just getting older. Surely that's the real cause, but I prefer to waver in my sensibilities and cling to a smidge of denial.

The mind is younger than the body.

But just three more days before the first week will be in the books. And three more weeks till the start of fall. And maybe in three months there construction will conclude on my new townhome, and I can be moved in before the holiday season begins. Maybe maybe maybe.

For now, I'm relaxed, at home, in bed, and about to call it a night. And day three will greet us soon enough. 

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