Welcome to Glenn's Blog!

Here I will periodically post random thoughts and stories about what's going on in my life and the world around me. As if anyone cared. But seriously, you've found your way here, so hopefully you will enjoy at least some of what I have to say, even if you aren't entirely interested in it. At the least, it should be a good way to waste time.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Sure, Why Not

So it's Valentine's Day morning! Another happy Monday at work.  I sent my V-Day wishes to the parents and of course to my son. Well, and I suppose also the cat, though that really amounted to her flopping over on the ground so I could scratch her back with my foot. But that was the extent of my reverie for this supposed holiday.

Well, it's a lot different of a "holiday" when you're single...not that I haven't tried dating in my post-marriage-mid-life world. I have, I have. But I'm still as yet buying my own chocolates (and not above eating chocolate chips straight from the bag). Dating in these times, with these circumstances, can be quite trying. So I guess for now I remain on the anti-V-Day team, as lines are typically drawn in the sand, on social media, wherever. You either love the day or fairly despise it.

And, well, that's it for that.

Oh, Connor broke his finger. His first broken bone! Quite a milestone in a young child's life, your first broken bone. It happened Friday night at soccer, he took a hard shot right to the pinky. Apparently. I wasn't there. But you know it's bad when he pulls himself out of the soccer game. I got him back on Sunday morning, and he was all bandaged up with a splint. Oh, this will provide memories for years to come.

In other news, I walk a lot last week. I mean I walk a lot every week. But last week, Sunday to Saturday, I logged 14379 steps. That's an average of over 8 miles a day. Go me.  And still, doctors recommend that you get 10,000 per days. Amateurs!

But that's really all I have to report on for now. Maybe I'll go get some dark chocolate somewhere...happy Valentine's Day to me! I mean, sure, why not?

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