And it's spring break now at Sac State, weeks before my son's and everyone else's, it seems. Tomorrow, Wednesday, is my Friday, as I've taken the rest of the week off. I haven't made any plans per se. But it should be clear weather-wise for my mini-holiday. It's been raining and windy today and for most of the year so far, it seems. Far more rain than we've been getting in recent years. Which is a good thing. California has been parched! It would be nice to hit the summer and not be inundated with all sorts of several drought warnings and water use restrictions and so on. So we are fortunate to have so much rain, at least so far, in 2023.
I like the rain.
I could do without the wind.
And I've just about recuperated from the time change, the "spring forward", which occurred just over a week ago. Honestly I don't know why we observe this antiquated ritual. It seems no one else does either. Lawmakers argue about it every year, and despite having bipartisan support for its dissolution, no one can ever seem to agree to abolish it. There's been rumors - just rumors - that this was supposed to be the last change. We'd go to Daylight Saving Time this month...and then leave it there. I have no idea if this is true. How can anyone know if anything is true these days?
But it took me awhile to adjust this year. I guess I'm getting old. Oddly, I seem to wake up even earlier despite the time being later. I'm backwards. Maybe it's just psychological. Connor had no problems. His internal clock is in far better shape, resetting itself with ease. I now miss those days!
And while people seem to agree we should stop throwing time back and forth like some intangible sports ball, what they can't seem to agree upon is whether we should stay sprung forward or stay fallen back. Of course not, no one can agree on anything these days. I'd much prefer the Daylight Savings Time, the "spring forward". With work work and school occupying so much of Connor's and my time, why wouldn't we want more daylight in the evening? When we're home, and have some free time. Driving in the dark morning isn't so bad. It really isn't. Nor does it last too long anyway, with the days lengthening slowly but surely. Incrementally.
Like my age.
So here I sit, on the eve of the Friday of my spring break week, struggling to find some point of inspiration to share, to justify the supposed wisdom that should accompany my advanced age. Something that someday, perhaps, my son will read back after I'm long gone and fertilizing some flowers in a field somewhere, that will make him realize I was a pretty thoughtful and interesting person.
I got nothing.
But that's okay, the world is full of examples of wisdom to share with the general populace. Just check the fortune cookies at your local Chinese restaurant. Smart stuff! But as I approach the top of the proverbial hill - not quite there yet as I'm only turning 48 - I do think the view is pretty good. And as if to prove my point, here's a picture from he North Natomas Regional Park, taken two days ago on the one day of the week where it wasn't cloudy and threatening to wash us all away.The world is pretty! I hope it's still so, when my son hits the age I am now, and he's looking at the state of things and reminiscing about how his life has gone. I hope he finds that it's gone well, or at least as well as mine has gone. Not that it was any sort of picnic; there were good days and bad days, and good times and bad times, but in general it's gone pretty well. Which is a way of saying I can't complain. No regrets!
And in just over a week and a half I'll hit another birthday, which undoubtedly will feel like just another day in the week, just another day in the month. Honestly I've had enough birthdays, I don't need anymore. Save for the purpose of reminding myself that I'm still alive. Perhaps I'll treat myself out to pancakes that day.
Well there's something to look forward to. Pancakes! In just 10 more days. Let the countdown begin!
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