Welcome to Glenn's Blog!

Here I will periodically post random thoughts and stories about what's going on in my life and the world around me. As if anyone cared. But seriously, you've found your way here, so hopefully you will enjoy at least some of what I have to say, even if you aren't entirely interested in it. At the least, it should be a good way to waste time.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

A New Month. Same Old Thing.

Well here we are into May already, and I'd like to report that the world has returned to its normal level of insanity. I'd like to report that, but I'd be lying. We're still under a stay at home order, although different towns and states are talking about cautiously re-opening businesses. About re-opening life. I guess we'll never know if the original social distancing and enhanced cleaning procedures would have had any effect, as we basically shut down the world right after we started trying them. Oh well. Lives were saved, presumably. Though many have been lost, over 60,000 nationwide at last count. Someone posted a meme on Facebook that this virus has killed more Americans than the Vietnam War. So it goes. Anyways. Back to my reality.

It's Saturday now, after a "work week" which mostly involved me entertaining Connor. With no school, no BASE, and no grandparents to watch him, I'm his sole caretaker on the weeks I have him. So I'm technically on Paid Administrative Leave on the weeks I have him. I'm one of the lucky ones; I still have an income through all this. Connor is, at the moment, on a video chat with his "girlfriend". He's not much of boyfriend material, frankly. But of course he's 6. He's more interested in playing games than interacting with a live person - at least a girl anyway. And she just wants to...talk. Heh. Women. Well, he'll get there.

But I'm taking advantage of the interruption to blather away on this blog, again typing from my new laptop while sitting on the couch. I wish I had more to say. We've gotten into a routine, or at least I have, much like I had a routine when the world was sane. It's just a different routine now, that's all. We fill the days with bike rides and school assignments on the iPad, and playing legos and doing puzzles and playing Minecraft. And watching TV. And well, eating of course. There's always that. I try and get outside as much as possible, because it's beautiful right now. The perfect time of year, and not too hot to boot. But even in these days of self-isolation, it's good to keep a routine. To keep busy. When will things change? When will we be allowed to go back to work, to play outside with other kids, to go get a haircut? Who know, who knows. I say that a lot, I think. I did before, too. Life is nothing if not uncertain.

I need some beach time. And a really good walk.

Anyways, life is trudging on, with more and more protests popping up against the stay at home order. I don't think it will last too much longer, personally. I don't think it CAN. People are getting too restless. And maybe it's okay. I think we can open up things and still social distance. And still use enhanced cleaning procedures. And still avoid passing viruses around. It can't be any worse than being in the grocery stores and at gas stations and so on, as we are now. Am I wrong? Or just overly optimistic? Who knows, who knows.

And oh yeah - I started growing out my facial hair again. Or at least, I stopped shaving. Let's see how long it last this time. It's May now, and the days are floating by effortlessly now. At least from the planet's perspective I suppose. Has it really been over 6 weeks since this all began? A new month. And, well, the same old thing.

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