Welcome to Glenn's Blog!

Here I will periodically post random thoughts and stories about what's going on in my life and the world around me. As if anyone cared. But seriously, you've found your way here, so hopefully you will enjoy at least some of what I have to say, even if you aren't entirely interested in it. At the least, it should be a good way to waste time.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday Love

So it's Thursday evening and...you know what? Let's give Thursday some love. It's kind of the ugly duckling of the weekdays. The outcast, if you will. Monday is always dreaded as the start of the drudgery of another work week. But at least it gets attention. It gets noticed. Tuesday belongs to tacos, of course. Thank goodness for alliteration. Wednesday is the proverbial hump day, the day of the camel. Friday is the gateway to the weekend. TGIF! Thank goodness it's Friday! Is. What I'll be saying tomorrow. 

But Thursday. It's just kind of...there. What is so special about it? Nothing. Well, I'm enjoying the evening anyway, laying out on the couch and typing away as the TV drones on, playing Law & Order SVU in the background. A simple quiet evening at home. I can't really think of anything, though, that makes Thursdays stand out. Well, this picture was taken last Thursday, and it certainly stands out. But that's all arbitrary.

Maybe we need to come up with something for Thursday to be. Something to make it stand out. So it can finally take its place of honor among the rest of the weekdays. Something to give it a chance to be...special. 

Isn't that all anyone wants anyway? To be special, in a world crammed full of ordinary individuals who don't really stand out from one another. Not really. Not in anyway that matters, anyway, in the grand scheme of things. We're all just Thursdays. Isn't that weird? Everyone want to be a Tuesday or a Friday. Even a Monday would be something. But no, no. It's Thursday for all of us. We're just minnows in a sea of fish, as it were.

Thursday Thursday Thursday. I don't know. I'll think of something. The answer is out there, or else trapped here deep in the recesses of my mind somewhere. Thursday will have its day! Well. I mean. It IS a day. But it will find its place to shine, as hopefully we all will.